We provide premium web hosting



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View our premium quality web hosting plans below. All of our web hosting plans come with cPanel, the leading hosting control panel allowing easy editing and full control of your website.

Preinstalled scripts included with our web hosting plans make life much easier by allowing you to install any popular application/software without any prior web hosting knowledge. Whether you want to start a website, blog, forum or online store our 1 click script installer has you covered.

Data tables

2 Columns

Date Subject
18/07/2013 18:33 uhfruhfr
05/07/2013 20:14 eudhudedede
05/07/2013 20:13 huhuhuhudhuude

3 Columns

Date Subject Status
18/07/2013 18:33 uhfruhfr Customer-Reply
05/07/2013 20:14 eudhudedede Open
05/07/2013 20:13 huhuhuhudhuude Open

4 Columns

Date Subject Status Urgency
18/07/2013 18:33 uhfruhfr Customer-Reply Medium
05/07/2013 20:14 eudhudedede Open Medium
05/07/2013 20:13 huhuhuhudhuude Open Medium

5 Columns

Date Subject Status Urgency Status
18/07/2013 18:33 uhfruhfr Customer-Reply Medium Read
05/07/2013 20:14 eudhudedede Open Medium Unread
05/07/2013 20:13 huhuhuhudhuude Open Medium Read

6 Columns

Date Subject Status Urgency Status Name
18/07/2013 18:33 uhfruhfr Customer-Reply Medium Read Bill
05/07/2013 20:14 eudhudedede Open Medium Unread Jack
05/07/2013 20:13 huhuhuhudhuude Open Medium Read Emma


My experience with Your Company has been nothing short of amazing. The level of support provided with my web hosting account has been fantastic. I will recommend Your Company to all of my friends.


Your Company is the most reliable company I have come across for web hosting services. If you're looking for a web hosting account look no further than Your Company! Sign-up today to see why!


I've been a customer with Your Company for over 5 years, they never fail to disappoint me and the service has been top notch since I ordered my first web hosting account with Your Company. Don't hesitate to join!



Why choose us

The quality of our support is unmatched

The quality of our support is unmatched

We take support one step further by tailoring our replies to suit your knowledge, expectations and personality.

We're passionate about what we do

We're passionate about what we do

What sets us apart from the competition is that we're passionate about the products/services we provide and quality of support.

We welcome and act on your feedback

We welcome and act on your feedback

We're always looking to improve every aspect of our business. From more features all the way to more frequent tutorials.


Feature grid

cPanel control panel

cPanel control panel

With cPanel you can easily manage every aspect of your web hosting account. From creating custom email addresses all the way to editing your website files.

Softaculous script installer

Softaculous script installer

Softaculous is a application built into cPanel that allows you to easily install from over 150 free scripts/software. This includes the popular Wordpress & Magento.

LiteSpeed web servers

LiteSpeed web servers

All of our web hosting packages come with LiteSpeed. LiteSpeed is up to 9 times faster than Apache and is becoming the industry standard for web servers.


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