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These are extensions and addons developed and maintained by us. They have come about by our clients request for solutions beyond core AbanteCart. We also ensure that all our extensions work with each other without conflict. We offer these as a modest monthly fee to our Managed Clients only. We will install, activate and configure an extension as part of your normal service fee.

Calendar Extension

Calendar Extension
This extensions helps you to let your customers know about list of available events during certain period.

Manual Order Now

Constant Contact Integration

Constant Contact Integration
Constant Contact Integration Extension for Abantecart – enables you to have two way sync between Constant Contact List and Cart Newsletter List.

Manual Order Now

Easy Appointment Integration

Easy Appointment Integration
This extension helps you to integrate EasyAppointments to your website.

Manual Order Now

MailChimp Integration

MailChimp Integration
MailChimp Integration Extension for Abantecart – enables you to have two way sync between your MailChimp List and your Cart Newsletter List.

Manual Order Now

MailChimp Integration Plus

MailChimp Integration Plus
MailChimp Integration Plus Extension for Abantecart – enables you to have two way sync between your MailChimp List and your Cart Newsletter List and send the customer order information to MailChimp.

Manual Order Now

Quick Checkout

Quick Checkout
This extension helps you to change from multiple steps checkout into a single checkout page.

Manual Order Now

Quick View

Quick View
This extension will let customer view the product in Lightbox and directly order without the need to open up the product page.

Manual Order Now

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