These are extensions and addons developed and maintained by us. They have come about by our clients request for solutions beyond core AbanteCart. We also ensure that all our extensions work with each other without conflict. We offer these as a modest monthly fee to our Managed Clients only. We will install, activate and configure an extension as part of your normal service fee.
Brands Info
Calendar Extension
Constant Contact Integration
Constant Contact & Online Newsletter Pack
Customer Group Auto Assigned
Customer Group Category Access
Easy Appointment Integration
Easy Slider
MailChimp Integration
MailChimp & Online Newsletter Pack
MailChimp Integration Plus
Multiple Discount Manager
Online Newsletter

This extension is designed to work ONLY with MailChimp or Constant Contact. It makes it easy to add your sent newsletters and marketing campaigns of your choice to your AbanteCart store. This adds fresh content easily into your site to enhance your SEO rankings. Non-subscribers to your mailing can also see the information you share with subscribers and perhaps they will be enticed to subscribe.