System Tools

AbanteCart Upgrade – Overview

If there is a new version available for your AbanteCart, you will have a notification in your message box of AbanteCart administration. Important note: We...

AbanteCart Upgrade – Upgrade Manually

Usual order of Upgrades to AbanteCart: A. First and fastest is Run Upgrade Via Admin Panel. Refer to AbanteCart Upgrade – Run Upgrade Via Admin...

AbanteCart Upgrade – Run Upgrade Via Extension Upload

Usual order of Upgrades to AbanteCart: A. First and fastest is Run Upgrade Via Admin Panel. Refer to AbanteCart Upgrade – Run Upgrade Via Admin...

AbanteCart Upgrade – Run Upgrade Via Admin Panel

Usual order of Upgrades to AbanteCart: A. First and fastest is Run Upgrade Via Admin Panel. Refer to AbanteCart Upgrade – Run Upgrade Via Admin...

AbanteCart Upgrade – Upgrade Troubleshoot

1. Error: Can’t connect to FTP-server. Solution: Double-check FTP Host and password; Note that SFTP is not supported; Modify the permissions in your hosting account...

Admin Users – Overview

To achieve better administration of your site, you can create admin users with different access control. Here are some of the things that you can...

Admin Users – List

Refer to Listing Grid K.B. here for more info about the listing grid page. 1. Click this button to create a new admin user. Notes...

Admin Users – Create New User

User Profile 1. Status: Turn ON if you want to allow this user to be able to login. 2. Username: Enter the desired username. 3....

Admin Users – User Groups & Permissions

Overview For each one of the administrator accounts you can specify which areas of the Administration Panel they will be allowed to go to via...

Migration Tool

Overview Important note: Please backup AbanteCart before migration process. Refer to Backup & Restore K.B. here. AbanteCart has a built-in cart migration tool that helps...

Backup & Restore

AbanteCart Built-in Backup Save or restore a full or partial copy of your store to your personal computer. Backup files and db You can save:...


Overview Data upload is a significant and at the same time risky operation, you should consider a couple of things before starting the import process:...


Go to System → Data → Export. Important note: This is an Admin function within AbanteCart dashboard. It has a lot of flexibility that is...

Import Wizard

Overview If AbanteCart fails to detect the native format of the file that you want to import, the Import Wizard will start and ask you...

Datasets Manager

Important note: This section is for developers. Dataset concept reduces need to create or extend SQL tables for some features. Dataset tools are offered by...


Note: If you use our WHY2 extensions, you will get a notification if there is a new version for the extension. Refer to Extension Updater...


Overview AbanteCart is set up to be a fast-performing eCommerce solution with optimized resource use and execution time. To achieve great performance, AbanteCart utilizes caching...


Refer to Listing Grid K.B. here for more info about the listing grid page. On this page, you can manage all messages received in your...

Logs – Install Or Update History

Go to the System → Logs → Install/Update History Every time an administrator installs a new extension, upgrades an extension, does an application update, or...

Logs – Error Log

Note: In case you can not access admin, you can locate error log directly in the file /system/logs/error.txt via File Manager e.g., cPanel File Manager....

Logs – Scheduled Tasks

Overview Go to the System → Logs → Scheduled Tasks. AbanteCart supports the creation of scheduled tasks. Examples of scheduled tasks include: 1. Backup AbanteCart....

Encryption Data Manager

Overview Important Notes: Please install Encryption Data Manager extension to enable encryption in your store. Backup your code and database before encryption! Refer to Backup...

Performance Optimization

Overview Speeding up your website is critical to ranking well with Google and to keep your bottom-line profits high. .htaccess File Improving web site performance...

File Uploads

Overview Go to the System → Data → File uploads Every time a customer uploads a file, there is a record with a download link...